วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Gift for Valentine's Day

Gift instead be a valentine's day.

The meaning of flowers to tell love best. That will see popular.

1. Red roses mean love and passion. It is Cupid's flower to bring luck to the women.

2. White roses mean purity fascination calmness and bring luck to the women same red roses.

3. Pink roses mean love with a most complete happiness.

4. Orange or yellow roses mean love hot and no longer watery, sweet and delightfully happy.

5. Budding roses means love is start same young age.

6. Bloom roses mean love blossom bloom mellowness that is crisp.

For people who want What is the difference.

1. Red Carnation means love dearly.

2. White lilly means romantic sweet love between you and your lovers.

3. Red tulip mean love will to struggle together.

4. Violet flower meaning that instead of love to return.

5. Chocolate many psychologist believes that chocolate is a mood support and love the sweet taste is a sense valentine's day very well. It is scientifically proven that a substance in chocolate stimulate the brain out like amphetamine to lead deep feelings of love very well.

- "Spearmint chocolate" shows that people are openly candid and creative.

- "Chocolate milk" are romantic people talk fun, but behave outstanding.

- "Chocolate stuff" is the party people socially benign.

- "Dark chocolate" Did you find means to then hothead. Type easy love .

6. Jewery That women who is not all melt. If you to buy diamonds jewery is a Valentine's gift. Because someone has courage to buy valentine's gift more expensive same like this. If not hope you get true love. Youth who are looking for the shiny precious gift instead tell love words. Suggest that diamond or pearl accessories selected because discribe the pure immortality and love forever ... Meaning more desirable and more ... if there is carved the word LOVE on the jewery is more desirable.

7. Card is necessary to continue with flowers and chocolate as the preferred selection. Writing's on your mind as you want to get reciever to read and understand immediately.

8. Dolls are all the Festival has already. But special for valentine's day must continue to choose to be love. Meaning instead of striking at any emotions you pick up what kind.

9. Aromatherapy candles hot among young Thais. The media has defined the shape of hearts. And scented by passion, but who will ask to select another party How desirable.

10. Dinner indispensable for valentine's day location not important but have only you and your lovers.

